“Weaving the threads of Sacred Art, Shamanism and Sacred Plant Medicine together”
Joy Ellis
Sacred Art & Workshops
Sacred Art & Workshops
The art I am passionate about creating emerges from deep within the soul, often without having a preconceived idea of what the finished piece will be like. Each piece of art has it’s own story to tell and I love the wonder and excitement of surrendering and allowing the form to emerge whether the medium is paint or textiles, or both.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing

Shamanism is tuning in to the ancient knowledge of the universe, to the energy, frequency and vibration of the cosmos where there is a deeper consciousness that animates all life. Shamans recognise that everything is alive and everything has spirit. The basic principle of shamanism is partnership with the spirits to bring about healing or guidance.
Sacred Plant Medicine
Sacred Plant Medicine

Having such a longing to connect more deeply with the wisdom and consciousness of the plant kingdom led me to The Way of the Wise Healer four year apprenticeship in Sacred Plant Medicine at Derrynagitah in Ireland with Medicine Woman and Medical Herbalist Carole Guyette. As a Homeopath I was already familiar with the medicinal uses of the plants in my practice and in more recent years that has extended to engaging with the spirit of the plants and the use of vibrational essences in healing work and around the home. The versatility of plants and their properties never ceases to amaze me and in addition to the nutritional value of the wonderful ‘weeds’ on the land and in our hedgerows I enjoy the use of plants in my Sacred Art work both with the medium of paint and textiles.

About Me
I am an Artist, Shamanic Healer and a Homeopath with over 21 years of experience www.homeopathy4all.co.uk
Over the last 25 years of exploring and deepening into many spiritual pathways it is the weaving together of my passion of all that is sacred in art, plants and the healing medicine of the natural world that influences all that I do…
Participant on the two day Sacred Art workshop –
‘“I can’t believe what I’ve done, I’ve amazed myself seeing what can emerge. It’s been just beautiful. Also what’s come up and how I can get in my own way and go into that negative place and then how it free flows when I’m not being critical and move through the dance of the critic. I’m amazed what you’ve taken me through in just two days and I just want to play with it now. I felt so supported and you have brought the best out in me. It’s as if something for so long has been buried and it has been ignited and come to life. A door has been opened for me and I can’t thank you enough. I feel like I’ve come home to myself”
Shamanic Healing client who received Ancestral Healing –
“The. night terrors had been going on for 25 years and it got so bad I felt desperate to do something. The healing has made such a massive difference to my life and as time has gone on I’ve realised how much it was affecting me. Before the healing I just felt constantly hounded. I used to go to bed and pray ‘please don’t let the terror come in tonight’. I’m not frightened anymore since the healing and I just feel at peace. I feel empowered and have stepped into my own sovereignty.”